Bio Energetic Testing



Bioenergetic testing utilizes a computer based instrument which measures the energy of the body using acupuncture meridian point readings, providing a new and highly accurate method for determining the energetic causes of your health problems. Dr. Voll and Dr. Werner, German physicist developed this new approach to good health utilizing modem computers and sophisticated  programming. It is felt by many to be the most significant breakthrough in health care in many years. The technique is accepted and used widely in other countries, especially Germany, France, England and is rapidly growing in the United States. It is based in the Chinese medical theory that improper energy flow through the acupuncture meridians causes energy imbalances in the body. During the past 30 years, doctors have identified the internal relationship between acupuncture point measurement and individual organs and tissues. Bioenergetic Testing has been endorsed by many doctors and dentists in the United States including Roy Curtin, PhD of Bringham, Young University, Fuller Royal, MD of the Nevada Clinic, Las Vegas Nevada and John Sinclair, DDS from Arkansas. The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupuncture points, generally on the hands and feet. These measurements indicate the balances or imbalances of the various organs/systems of the body and can detect the degenerative conditions in the body. It also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic remedy and the exact potency that will bring about the energy balance. There are no side effects or after affects with proper use of the electro-diagnoses and therapy. No piercing of the skin, no discomfort and no electrical impulses are felt during the testing.


More than 70% of patients in any general practice suffer from functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or other pathological diagnostics, yet the patient still experiences a myriad of symptoms.

Functional medicine helps detect and identify these energetic and regulatory disturbances. Functional disturbances can be detected early even from the beginning of a preclinical phase (when you display symptoms, but no one can identify the cause).

Disease does not begin with pathology, but with a pre-clinical phase. Functional disturbances occur when a living organism can no longer compensate adequately for changes in the environment. Environmental changes include both internal conditions of the body and external circumstances.

Ideally, it would make good sense to assess a patient using functional evaluation methods and treatment protocols. These methods have shown effective in not only helping to identify and correct pre-clinical disorders and symptomology, but also in reducing or even reversing morphological and pathological deterioration.

Functional medicine is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic and therapeutic gaps. Backed by over 40 years of research, this technology clearly continues to deliver life-changing results. Economically, considerable time and substantial amounts of money could be saved by simply taking advantage of the benefits of this powerful technology in the emerging field of functional medicine.


While holding electrodes, a microamp current is sent through the body’s meridian pathways and captured through data access points on the hands. (The meridians, or energetic pathways create a network through which we can asses the functional status of your body. The existence of these data access points and energetic pathways have been validated using radioactive isotope imaging).

The amount of current that passes though the cellular structure of the organ, gland, or system reveals the functional status of the tissues. Because the assessment is based on defined parameters of the health, any deviation from this standard can be readily detected. This allows us to see a true picture of how your body is actually functioning on an energetic level.

Once the system has identified the energetic disresonance, it will the prescreen the potential energetic frequencies to balance the disturbance. In doing this the system sends representative electromagnetic signatures and measures the response to see if it corrects the imbalance.

“This allows us how to respond to a remedy before it is given.” -Reinhold Voll, MD., M.Sc.

Nationally and internationally, clients have reported over 80% satisfaction with the results of functional medicine. On average, three to twelve visits are needed to fully achieve and energetically balanced position. After each visit, you should notice positive changed in your health and overall reduction of your symptoms.


  • Food & Environmental Data
  • Chemical Toxicity
  • Circulatory Disturbances
  • Digestive Maladies
  • Female Issues
  • Immune Disorders
  • Inherited Predispositions
  • Joint Ailments
  • Male Issues
  • Metabolic Disturbances
  • Neurotransmitter Imbalances
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Pathogenic Factors
  • Phenolic Sensitivities
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Skin Afflictions
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Urinary Disorders
  • …..and much much more


Homeopathy is a system of medicine that has been practiced for almost two hundred years. It is a natural, scientific, therapeutic heating philosophy that can be traced to ancient Greece. Homeopathy is widely used in Europe, India, South America, Africa and Russia. Philosophically, homeopathy views the individual as an integrated whole. It is the individual and not the disease that is treated, teaching that the only way to cure the illness is by increasing the health of the person who is ill, allowing the individual to take responsibility for their own health.

Homeopathy fills the need for a natural form of healing that supports rather than disrupts the body. Today, society is looking for alternative natural healing modalities as a response to modern medicines failure to effectively deal with degenerative and chronic diseases. It is one of the most effective and natural medical therapies against acute and chronic illness existing today. Homeopathy stimulates healing by generating a change on the energetic level of the body. This energetic change stimulates and reprograms the tissues, organs and cells of the body to cleanse or detoxify themselves of disease thereby reestablishing health. In the fifth century BC, Hippocrates noted the parallel action between the toxic power of a substance and its therapeutic effect, “The same things which can cause disease can sure it.” The ancient Jewish Bible states that whereas man heals with contrary remedies, God heals with similars.

Samuel Hahnemann, a well-respected German physician researcher and translator of medical books is the father of homeopathy. Hahnemann became so appalled by the existing medical practices of thy, which often did more harm than good, that he gave up his medical practice to explore alternative methods of healing. In 1790, while translating the writings of a Scottish doctor, Hahnemann rediscovered the ancient principles that Hippocrates and Paracelsus used in the treatment of disease. He became aware that a substance was capable of curing symptoms similar to those which it could produce in a healthy person. After years of research on human subjects, Hahnemann proved that his theory of the Law of Similars was correct. Having established the principle of similarity, Hahnemann discovered that the substances that he was giving worked well but still had some serious side effects. He noticed that when he diluted it and agitated (potentized) the solution, the remedy kept its effectiveness. In fact, he found that the more the remedy was diluted and potentized, the more active it became. The dilution and potentization is what makes homeopathic remedies so effective and so safe. The medicines are stale because there is so very little chemical substance, if any, in a homeopathic remedy due to the dilution. On the other had, the remedy  is also very strong and effective because of the potentizing.